No homeowner wants to have a cockroach infestation to deal with in their home. Cockroaches are the most common pests in the world that homeowners have to deal with. The three most common types of cockroaches found in the United States are Oriental, German and American Roach. They can be attracted to your home for many reasons. When you are dealing with cockroaches, it is important to contact a reputable company of cockroach control Staten Island for help. There are many companies in the area to consider like the one found at www.aaardvarkpestcontrolco.com. Below are some common tips for getting rid of cockroaches.
Look For Problem Areas
When you first notice you have a cockroach problem, it is necessary to examine your home for infestation sites. This can be done using a flashlight and searching for hiding spots. Typically, these spots can include areas such as behind the refrigerator, under bathroom cabinets, in dark closets and under your kitchen sink. Place roach glue strips in these areas and monitor them for a few days to see if they helped.
Close Gaps In Home
While setting glue traps can be effective at stopping an existing infestation, you will need to take preemptive measures to keep more roaches from getting inside your home. Check inside and outside of your home for gaps or small crevices where bugs and cockroaches may enter. Be sure to use caulk to fill any openings.
Use Boric Acid
Boric acid is a substance commonly found in products around your home such as toothpaste and laundry detergent. The substance has been known to be a very effective cockroach killer. This step can be used in combination with the glue traps.
Even when you follow many of the tips listed, getting rid of your cockroach infestation often requires the help of a professional pest control company. Pest control companies have the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to get rid of your cockroach problem quickly, safely and efficiently. They will also come back to help if any cockroaches are seen again.… Read More...
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